
Digital Transformation

Beyond the code

Digital Transformation matters !

It is not only about digitalization and automation everywhere you can in your organization.

Digital transformation is as such a change of paradigm, a cultural shift that will pose the right questions about your business fundamentals, your organization level of resilience and your ability to explore news ways to design processes and deliver value to your stakeholders and customers.

Beyond the stereotypes on digital transformation like going paperless, moving to the cloud, become AI-minded or reduce Opex by HR cost reduction, one needs to understand what means digital transformation for its own business.

It associates a wide variety of situations and stakeholders including customers. It is how your organization will set up strategic goals and how digital will support their realization.

How do we support you ?

Our experts supports your organization throughout the digital transformation journey.

Our Process in steps


Adaptation is constant

Market conditions and practices do evolve, customer needs shift and become refined, more sophisticated, technologies are replaced and processes redesigned.

Organizations do face permanent challenges in every area. So they must be able to respond to all these internal and external contextual evolutions. This is where Agility intervenes because there is a need for any organization to fastly and efficiently adapt.

Beyond conventional resources reorganization, revisit of roles and profiles and process improvement, Agility insufflates a new customer-centric mindset, based on trust between IS and Business stakeholders and autonomy for self-organized development teams.

How do we support you ?

Our experts will support your organization during the whole transformation process. With our Agile coaches, scrum masters and product owners, your organization will gain a new corporate culture, drive new ways to create added value, optimize its time to market and increase your customers satisfaction.

Our Process in steps

Sustainability & ESG

Sustainability is the New Normal

Sustainability is not about buying and selling green. It is about preserving our common natural resources.

Sustainability means for business leaders that they can still make profits while deeply caring about people and planet.

They need awareness and knowledge about the ecosystems. Companies cannot anymore pretend that they control our planet’s resources. Business paradigms are changing as mentalities and regulations evolve too. Amongst these disruptive paradigms comes ESG.

They need to revisit the fundamentals of their activities and their relationship to their traditional stakeholders whether are they institutions, investors, producers or customers. They need to reflect on time and territory horizons. More than ever, they need social and industrial innovation.

Last, they need to act positively for a Sustainable Change and design new metrics. Acting also means supporting sustainable objectives without harming other sustainable objectives. And this especially when it comes to the regulations on ESG norms implementation.

For so long, companies have been looked as being part of the Problem. At Ascentis Consulting, we strongly believe they are part of the Solution.

How do we support you ?

Our experts guide your company during the Sustainability & ESG Journey. From defining axis and measurement materiality to implementation, training, communication and assessment, we provide support at every stage of the strategy.

Our Process in steps